Clontarf foreshore path closure in August
The City is planning to revegetate eroded areas of Clontarf foreshore during 2016 and 2017.
In February 2016 the City completed asbestos investigations for the proposed project sites. This report indicated that Clontarf foreshore project areas are contaminated with asbestos material on surface and subsurface (300mm). This report recommends the City to remediate and validate the site before commencement of any revegetation works.
The City engaged a qualified contractor to remove asbestos material from affected project site areas at Clontarf foreshore in June 2016. Further removal will take place in August 2016.
Due to proposed works, the dual use path will be closed during working hours from 7am to 5pm from Monday to Friday for three weeks, commencing Monday 22 August 2016. During specified time there will be no access to the dual use path from Cygnia Cove development bridge that separates constructed and retained wetlands to area adjacent to Treacy way.
The contractor will implement a traffic management plan and install warning signage to inform people about the path closure.
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