Neil McDougall Lake Community Planting Day

News Update 29 June 2016

Millennium Kids and the City of South Perth joined forces this month to plant 330 native wetland plants at Neil McDougall Lake in Como.

The lake is an important habitat for many bird species and is home to a population of Long Necked Turtles. Planting around the lake will increase the quality of habitat for the turtles, birds and black swans, as well as improving the water quality and helping control erosion.  
Millennium Kids Sustainability Ambassador, Emma declared the day a huge success, with volunteers helping plant sedges and install protective bird netting. A celebratory lunch was provided to thank volunteers for their hard work.

The Project was funded by National Landcare’s 20 Million Tree Program which aims to plant 20 million plants by 2020 through engaging the community and supporting environmental conservation.

For more information visit Millennium Kids.

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For more information, please contact the City.