Gone in less than 60 seconds campaign

News Update 31 May 2016

The City of South Perth, in partnership with six other local governments and the WA Police South East Metropolitan Police District, is working to minimise theft from motor vehicles.

‘Gone in less than 60 seconds’ is a campaign designed to raise awareness of how quickly thefts from motor vehicles can occur, especially when valuable items like phones and bags are visible and unattended.

From 1 June until 1 December 2016, the City will be releasing a YouTube video each month to highlight the CCTV footage of real life thefts that have occurred in less than 60 seconds.

As part of the campaign, a clearly marked vehicle will be visiting local shopping centres, community events and hot spot locations displaying a range of items that are commonly stolen from cars.

The vehicle was constructed by Kensington PCYC volunteers and demonstrates how quickly a theft from motor vehicles can occur.

To help deter thieves, the City has free car window safety signs available from the Civic Centre and South Perth and Manning Libraries.

The 7 Local Government Agencies are:

  • City of Armadale
  • City of Belmont
  • City of Canning
  • City of Gosnells
  • City of South Perth
  • Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
  • Town of Victoria Park

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.