Council adopt Parking Strategy

Media Release 25 May 2016
South Perth Station Precinct
At the City of South Perth Council Meeting held on Tuesday 24 May, the Council adopted a Parking Strategy that will provide a long-term plan for the management and provision of parking within the City.

Luxmore Parking and Safety Consultants were commissioned by the City to develop the Strategy which will provide a parking framework for the next 15 years to assist in achieving, amongst other things, the City’s goals in relation to travel demand management and sustainable modes of transport.

Additionally, it outlines 22 recommendations for review and implementation, identifying a comprehensive action plan to assist in the development of Management Plans for 14 Parking Control Areas (PCA) within the City including the South Perth Station Precinct.

One of the Strategy’s key recommendations includes the formation of a Parking Working Group to assist in the effective delivery of the Strategy and Parking Management Plans, and the adoption of a ‘demand management’ approach whereby parking facilities can be  proactively managed and used more effectively.

“The Strategy is clear in that the City needs to prioritise access for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and people with disabilities. Another priority is to make the most of the public transport infrastructure, balanced with the needs of the City road network, which includes working towards minimising congestion,” Mayor Sue Doherty said.

In developing the Strategy the City conducted extensive stakeholder consultation including: workshops for local businesses and residents, a parking strategy survey, online forum discussions and an interactive online map for posting comments and suggestions relating to specific parking locations.

“Road safety around on-street parking was the overriding concern for the South Perth community. This concern was identified primarily in residential areas, around schools, Curtin University and along main arterial roads,” Mayor Doherty said.

“The purpose of the Parking Strategy is to work towards the development of a City-wide Integrated Transport Plan. Further stakeholder engagement will form a component of this process with dates to be confirmed.”

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