Amendment No. 46 Report released

Media Release 11 April 2016
South Perth Station Precinct
The Council of the City of South Perth at their Ordinary Council Meeting to be held at the earlier time of 6pm (not 7pm) on Tuesday 26 April 2016 will determine Town Planning Scheme Amendment No. 46 ‘South Perth Station Precinct’.

The City received 882 submissions on the Scheme Amendment during the public comment period November 2015 to February 2016 which expressed a diverse range of views and opinions.

All documents including a copy of the City Officer’s 'Report on Submissions' and associated attachments in relation to Amendment No. 46 are now available on the City’s website, at the Civic Centre Office and the City Libraries.

Modifications to Amendment No. 46 are recommended in the report, some modifications are of significance with a large number of minor ones. The recommended modifications include:

• Reduction in the extent of the ‘Special Design Area’ by deleting properties on Mill Point Road north of Judd Street and Ferry Street with the exception of 89 Mill Point Road and 20 Stone Street.

• Mill Point Road properties north of Judd Street will no longer be eligible for any building height variation, the applicable height limit to be changed from 25 metres (approximately 9 storeys) to 41 metres (approximately 13 storeys).

• Strengthening existing performance criteria relating to building height variations. Variations above the basic height limits are permissible to varying degrees depending on the number of performance criteria met. Absolute height limits would apply unless all performance criteria are met.

• A 4 metre street setback for the northerly portion of Mill Point Road.

• Zero setbacks to be maintained where there would be no adverse effects on an adjoining property. Where zero street or side setbacks would adversely affect an adjoining property, Council to determine setbacks on a case-by-case basis, to ensure neighbours’ amenity is protected while also maintaining the viability of redevelopment for the affected properties.

• A preferred minimum non-residential plot ratio of 1.5, with discretionary power to allow a reduction to not less than 1.0.

• In the case of an ‘under-sized’ lot which cannot be amalgamated with another lot, for the site to be eligible for any building height variation, the allowable shortfall in lot area and frontage to be not more than 10%.

The Council invited Expressions of Interests from those who wish to make a deputation on the Officer’s recommendations in the Amendment No. 46 Report at the Agenda Briefing to be held:

Tuesday 19 April 2016
South Perth Community Hall
Cnr Sandgate St and South Tce, South Perth

Members of the public who want to make a deputation must have completed the ‘Expression of Interest to Address Council on Amendment No. 46’ form which was available on the City’s website and submitted it by 5pm, Wednesday 13 April 2016.

Only those who have lodged an Expression of Interest by the closing date will be considered for approval to make a deputation at the Agenda Briefing. In order to manage the number of requests received, the City is encouraging members of the community to submit joint deputations where appropriate.

Those whose requests to make a deputation have been successful will be notified by 5pm on Friday 15 April 2016.

The recommendation on Amendment No.46 made at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 26 April 2016, will then be referred to the WA Minister for Planning for final approval.

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