Modifications to Amendment No. 46 'South Perth Station Precinct'

Media Response 29 January 2016
South Perth Station Precinct
Please attribute the following comments to City of South Perth Chief Executive Officer Geoff Glass

Urban Development Institute of Australia WA chief executive Debra Goostrey has said that the proposed changes to the town planning scheme presently out for consultation appear to “lack the robustness” of the 2012 changes that had had “significant and transparent buy-in” from local residents. Could the City please respond? 
The changes to Town Planning Scheme No. 6 in January 2013 followed many years of planning and extensive consultation with the South Perth community. 

The City first advertised Amendment No. 46 for public comment in March 2015. At a Special Council Meeting on 27 October 2015, which was open to the public, Council considered the submissions received during that March public comment period.

At this meeting, in response to community concerns, Council endorsed a set of significant modifications to Amendment No. 46. As a result of the significant changes, the Council resolved to open Amendment No. 46 for public comment over an extended period of 90 days. As part of the engagement process, the City held a well-attended community information session in early December 2015. 

The City has sent over 1200 letters to residents, ratepayers and developers, advertised in the local paper Southern Gazette twice, issued a media release, provided information on the homepage of the City’s website, and included it in the City’s eNewsletter South Perth In Focus on three occasions. The City has also included an article in the January Peninsula magazine which will be distributed to all households in the City from 18-22 January 2016.

Ms Goostrey says good planning ensures transitional zones between high density high rise and lower density areas but the proposed change will see single storey town houses next to high rise developments, an undesirable outcome. Could the City please respond?  
Scheme Amendment No. 46 does not remove any of the current South Perth Station Precinct therefore these ‘transitional’ areas will not be affected. The precinct boundaries are defined by existing roads and whilst there may be differences in development potential between one side of the road and another, the situation as described by Ms Goostry will not occur.  

Ms Goostrey, the Finbar chief executive and Paul Plowman have all stated that the other changes will have unintended consequences that will all impact the viability of the overall planned precinct. Could the City please respond? 
The proposed changes will affect the development potential, the design of developments and the overall character of the precinct. The City strongly encourages interested people to raise any concerns regarding individual development viability before the close of submissions at 5pm, Friday 5 February 2016.

I understand quotes in the West about new building height limits depending on lots' existing height limits, but can the City please put this in context and explain what would be the tallest building in the development area allowed if the changes go through?
The proposed amendment introduces building height limits, which are dependent on the individual lots. The tallest possible building that could be approved is 80 metres, the equivalent to approximately 26 stories. 

What would be the consequences for the 5 Harper Terrace – Finbar and Lumiere – Edge projects should these changes go through? Which other projects in planning stages would have to be modified? 
Any development application that already has approval would not be affected. Current development applications that are being assessed by the City will be considered in terms of their compliance with the current scheme, with due regard to the proposed scheme amendment (to the extent that is is relevant). The proposed amendment will not be gazetted before the current Finbar and Lumiere projects are determined by the Development Assessment Panel.  

As above, the City is currently seeking feedback on the changes proposed to Amendment No. 46. Once the submission period has closed, the City will review feedback received before a recommendation is made to Council. We strongly encourage interested people to have their say and welcome submissions by 5pm, Friday 5 February 2016.

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