Notice of intention to dispose of land

Media Release 5 September 2015
The City of South Perth gives notice of its intention to dispose of the following lot, in accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act. 

(a) Lot 802 on Deposited Plan 69206 being the whole of the land in Certificate of Title Volume 2871 Folio 493.

The City of South Perth intends to dispose of the above-mentioned lot to the Mobster Nominees Pty Ltd (as guaranteed by Michael Francis O’Brien) for the market value of $1,620,000 plus GST. The market valuation was undertaken on 30 June 2015. 

Payment terms are a deposit of 5% with the remainder payable on 30 September 2015. 

Submissions about this proposed disposition can be made in writing to the Acting Chief Executive Officer, City of South Perth, corner Sandgate Street and South Terrace, South Perth WA 6151 by 5pm, Monday 21 September 2015. 

Mark Taylor
Acting Chief Executive Officer

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.