South Perth Train Station Precinct

Media Response 3 February 2012
South Perth Station Precinct
Journalist’s background: The City of South Perth plan to redevelop the precinct within 800m of the proposed railway station site near Richardson Street. High-rise developments and a business/retail zone with restaurants and shops is also part of the vision. A planning scheme amendment is currently under community consultation.  

Please attribute the following comments to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty:

How important is it to redevelop the train station precinct?

This proposed Amendment No. 25 to the City’s Town Planning Scheme No. 6 is the culmination of a study of the precinct including a possible future train station near Richardson Street, South Perth.

Commenced community consultation in 2006, the amendment examines ways of promoting development in the precinct inline with the State Government’s strategic plan Directions 2031 and Beyond principles relating to transit oriented development and the City's own Strategic Plan 2010-2015.  

Promoting and encouraging employment self sufficiency in the City and increasing densities in areas well served by public transport and with high amenity is very important to the future development and growth of South Perth. It aims to encourage residents, workers, tourists and visitors to use the station and the train service and to increase the amenity of the City.

What is the City's vision for the precinct?
The Council and the West Australian Planning Commission endorsed the vision for the precinct in 2010.

The vision is to create a vibrant attractive business location featuring a rich choice of employment, public transport options, pedestrian friendly tree-lined street and incorporating important components of South Perth's heritage.

The South Perth Station Precinct Plan provides a clear and comprehensive sustainable vision for the future land use, landscape and built form character for the South Perth Station Precinct.

Recommendations include the integration of the station and its functions with the surrounding urban development.

Does the area require more commercialisation?

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) supports “Transit Oriented Development” in the vicinity of proposed transit nodes like the South Perth Train Station.  

The additional commercial land use proposed will support the increased residential population, provide greater employment self sufficiency in the City and provide the basis for a "destination" rail station at South Perth.

Under the plan the precinct will become a vibrant hub bringing together a mixture of land uses integrated with public transport, promoting and providing access to South Perth’s community facilities, and heritage and visitor attractions. 

The plan facilitates development to create a pedestrian friendly environment with a lively public atmosphere and rich streetscapes. 

Does the City still believe a South Perth train station is foreseeable? 

The City believes there is a strong demand for the development of the South Perth Train Station Precinct and continues to lobby state government for the construction of the station.

What is the status of the draft plan? What happens after the community consultation?
The Town Planning Scheme amendment is being advertised for a period of just over 6 weeks.  The lodging of public submissions opened on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 and will be open until Friday, 9 March 2012.

The submissions will be analysed and a report prepared for the next available Council meeting, this is anticipated for May.  The Council's decision will be forwarded to the Department of Planning and the Minister for Planning will make the final decision on this amendment.

Is the City aware of community angst over the draft plans?

The City is aware there is a wide range of views regarding the draft plan in the community. Through the submission process all views will be considered when the final report is presented to Council.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.