Manning Hub

Media Response 28 May 2010
Manning Community Hub
Please attribute the information below to City of South Perth Mayor, James Best:

1) What are the main details of the proposed hub? How long has this idea been in the pipeline?

The proposed redevelopment of the Manning District Centre would provide an expanded sports oval, vastly improved community centre, cultural and health centre and new library, with commercial opportunities integrated into the development.

The idea has been in the pipeline since 2006, when the City’s Future Directions and Needs Study for Sport and Recreational Clubs Study identified the need for upgraded facilities at the Manning Community Hall site, referred to as the Manning Hub.

2) Following the last council meeting, what is the next step?
3) When is the project expected to commence?
4) What is the project's timeline? When is it expected to finish?

At the May Ordinary Council Meeting, it was resolved to request the approval of the Minister for Lands on the closure of the curved portions of Bradshaw Crescent and Conochie Crescent public road reserves.

The Minister will consider submissions from the community received during the consultation process, together with the Council resolution relating to the road closure.

If the Minister approves the public road closures, the City will commence work to relocating drainage and overhead powerlines.

Work on the project has already commenced with the road closure initiative. Funds for undergrounding power and drainage works have been contained on the draft budget for 2010/2011 financial year. The project will be progressively carried out over a number of years as funds permit.

5) How much will it cost? Will it receive State funding?
Potential funding sources will be investigated and most likely will include a combination of sources. The City always seeks partnerships with the state and federal government on significant capital works projects.

Prior to allocating a budget for the project, there is still a lot of planning, research and consultation to be completed and some of the land needs to be re-zoned to allow for commercial development, a process that could take a couple of years to complete.

The estimated costs of the project as recommended in the Manning Community Facility Study, are approximately $15.8 million (including modifications to the commercial facilities which Council would not be responsible for).

6) How important is the project for the Manning community?
The project would be a significant investment for the Manning community, and to date, community support for this project has been very strong, with residents and groups enthusiastic to work towards strengthening community networks and creating more opportunities to interact in Manning.

7) Does the project represent an opportunity to change the area's perception as an undesirable location?
The project represents a huge step forward for the area; any new developments like this one have the potential to improve levels of community interaction and the amenity of an area. The redevelopment will also ensure facilities will meet increased demand in the future.

8) What is the long-term vision of the area?

The proposed development offers many benefits to the local community and seeks to foster an interactive and integrated village atmosphere, bringing residents, retailers and city services together.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.