Transport Plan Released for Community Comment

Media Release 3 August 2005

The City has released its draft Integrated Transport Plan, which proposes a framework to address the City’s transport network related economic, social, and environmental challenges and opportunities over the coming years.

Three Community Working Party meetings were recently conducted - resulting in the creation of a Discussion Paper that identifies a number of the Plan’s strategies, within five main areas - including:
• Vehicles
• Public Transport (buses, trains and ferries)
• Pedestrians
• Cycling
• Land-use

Strategies to improve the sustainability and integration of these areas are included in the paper for your comment.

“By integrating its transport systems through the Integrated Transport Plan, the City will create a more liveable and sustainable community for everyone,” said the City’s Chief Executive Officer Cliff Frewing.

“The implementation of this Plan will result in a transport network that is safe, efficient and accessible for all members of the community, and help to reduce our reliance on the car for commuting purposes.”

The Plan is a key focus area of the City’s Strategic Plan 2004 - 2008, which sets out a vision for the City and its extensive range of services provided to the community.

A complete copy of the Integrated Transport Plan Discussion Paper is available online at in the ‘Out for Comment’ section, or printed copies are available at the Civic Centre and Libraries. Alternatively, please telephone 9474 0777, to request a mailed copy.

The City will be receiving comments on the Paper until 26 August 2005.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.