Voting in the election

Local Government elections will be held on 21 October 2023.

To be eligible to vote in the 2023 election, you must have been registered on the electoral roll as a resident or on the City of South Perth Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Roll by 5pm, Friday 25 August.

For further details about these elections, visit Western Australian Electoral Commission website.

Eligibility to vote


Residents Non-Resident Owners & Occupiers Joint Owners & Occupiers Corporations


While voting in a local government elections is not compulsory in Western Australia, all electors are strongly encouraged to vote.

There are three steps in the voting process for the City of South Perth local government elections:

  1. An election voting package will be posted to all City of South Perth electors approximately three weeks before election day
  2. Electors must complete and return the ballot to the City by 6pm on election day, 21 October 2023
  3. The count starts at 6pm, Saturday 21 October 2023.

The election results will be published on the City’s website as soon as they are available and they will also be available on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website.

Optional Preferential Voting (OPV)

This year, there will be changes to the voting system with the introduction of Optional Preferential Voting (OPV), which gives electors the option to vote for one candidate or to complete the ballot for preferential voting.

OPV is similar to State and Federal voting systems and helps to strengthen democracy by giving ratepayers a greater choice of candidates.

Under the OPV system, electors number candidates in the order of their preference. You have the option to:

  • Vote for one candidate by putting the number 1 next to their name
  • Vote for some candidates by numbering several candidates in the order of your preference
  • Vote for all candidates by numbers all of the candidates in the order of your preference.

Removal of address from the roll

The state electoral roll and owner and occupier roll are publicly available for inspection. If you are of the opinion that the publication of your address would place your safety, or the safety of your family, at risk you can apply to have your address removed from the roll.

If you are enrolled on the state electoral roll, you can make a claim under s51B of the Electoral Act 1907. Fill out the Application for Removal of Address from State Electoral Roll form and send it to:

Electoral Commissioner 
GPO Box 9867 
Perth WA 6848

The below forms are also available at the Civic Centre, South Perth and Manning Libraries. 

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August 2023

Local government election - close of enrolments

Public Notice 7 August 2023

You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the local government elections on 21 October 2023. Enrolments close on 25 August 2023.

2023 Elections