Local law on verge tree swings

News Update 24 March 2021

At the March 2021 Council Meeting, Elected Members resolved to amend a local law which will allow for children’s swings to be hung from verge trees within the City of South Perth.

Before the City of South Perth Public Places and Local Government Property Amendment Local Law 2021 comes into effect, a new policy will be developed and presented to Council and the City will be required to publish the local law in the Government Gazette.

Council’s decision on verge tree swings follows a public consultation period which ran from 13 January to 5 March 2021.

During this consultation the City received nine submissions from the public. Of the public submissions received, six submissions were in favour of verge tree swings and three were opposed. 

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the Department) also provided comments and suggested minor amendments to the proposed local law.

The public domain of the street verge is an increasingly important area to provide an opportunity for outdoor play for children, encouraging community interaction and making the City a friendly, fun and attractive place to live. To date, tree swings in the City have been in place without incident. 

To read the full report, view page 51 of the Council Meeting Agenda.

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